Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas from the Georges!!

We have a new picture!  Although, the last one we took was quite a different story, we were so cold i think our smiles were frozen that way.. this one we were so hot we were thankful for shade... oh the joys!
Today was the first day of sun in a LONG time.  We have had weeks of rain which has created quite the mud bog everywhere!  Things have slowed down and we are officially on holidays!  The girls didn't think we would EVER get this close to Christmas.  Counting down 25 days is pretty long when you're a kid!

Daddy/Daughter Date Night!

We started out December with our first annual "Daddy/Daughter date" night!  John, being the Father of three beautiful girls had it in his heart for a long time to do an event like this.  It was a night for fathers to express value and love for their princesses, providing a one on one time just for them!  Each dad sat at a table with just him and his daughter (s) There were snacks, a dance and gifts given.  I, Patti, was helping with the food and taking photos and a couple times I had to choke back the tears... the sight was just beautiful and SO needed.  I am so proud of John for stepping out and providing the "landing pad" for strong Father/daughter relationships.  Although for our first event we offered it only to our church family, we hope to grow it to be able to open it up to the community.  

En Croix School of Dance Parent's/Family night!

We ended out our year at the dance studio with a family night for our students.  Over the past couple months students had been learning choreography and songs preparing to show their families what they had learned.  They did great!  We have 22 students ages 4 up to 11.  It was a special night and the families really enjoyed it.  SO, onward to the new year!!  I am looking forward to what God has in 2014 for the dance school.  Please keep it in your prayers as there's lots of opportunity to grow and provide an 'arts avenue' here in Belmopan, Belize. 

We pray God's richest blessings on you and your family and friends during this season.  We are so forever grateful for God sending His son that we may have life.  


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